Plaza de América

Plaza de América | Venue


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The Plaza de America is located at the southern end of the Maria Luisa Park. It was built for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929 and consists of a long central garden surrounded by three pavilions. In the center of the garden is a large monumental fountain and the central path is flanked by two traffic circles.

The buildings surrounding the square are of different architectural styles: the Renaissance or Plateresque pavilion is currently the Provincial Archaeological Museum, which houses the Carambolo Treasure (the most important prehistoric goldsmith's find); the Mudejar pavilion houses the Museum of Popular Arts and Customs; and finally, the Royal pavilion, in Gothic style, belongs to the town hall and is home to various municipal offices and the Andalusian Regional Government.

The two traffic circles are located symmetrically on both sides of the central path of the square, the first of them is dedicated to the illustrious lawyer and poet Francisco Rodríguez Marín and the second, to Miguel de Cervantes, which is decorated with ceramics in allusion to his most famous works.

The Plaza de America is popularly known as the "park of the pigeons", because visitors and tourists feed the pigeons with birdseed purchased at the stalls set up there for the occasion.


    • Plaza de América
    • 1, 6, 30, 31 34, 37, 38

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    The Plaza de America is located at the southern end of the Maria Luisa Park. It was built for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929 and consists of a long central garden surrounded by three pavilions. In the center of the garden is a large monumental fountain and the central path is flanked by two traffic circles.

    The buildings surrounding the square are of different architectural styles: the Renaissance or Plateresque pavilion is currently the Provincial Archaeological Museum, which houses the Carambolo Treasure (the most important prehistoric goldsmith's find); the Mudejar pavilion houses the Museum of Popular Arts and Customs; and finally, the Royal pavilion, in Gothic style, belongs to the town hall and is home to various municipal offices and the Andalusian Regional Government.

    The two traffic circles are located symmetrically on both sides of the central path of the square, the first of them is dedicated to the illustrious lawyer and poet Francisco Rodríguez Marín and the second, to Miguel de Cervantes, which is decorated with ceramics in allusion to his most famous works.

    The Plaza de America is popularly known as the "park of the pigeons", because visitors and tourists feed the pigeons with birdseed purchased at the stalls set up there for the occasion.


      • Plaza de América
      • 1, 6, 30, 31 34, 37, 38

      Member characteristics

      Accessible facilities
      Member images